Hallam, Henry - View of the State of Europe Dining the Middle Ages, 2 vols, qto, rebacked, quarter calf, John
Tacitus, Cornelius Publius - Gli annali di Cornelio Tacito cavalier romano de'fatti, translated by Giorgio Dati,
Beckford, William Thomas - Italy, with Sketches of Spain and Portugal, 1st edition, 2 vols, rebound quarter calf,
Nardi, Jacopo - Le Historie della Citta di Fiorenza, quarto, vellum, pencil note states "lacks *2 and *3, and Nn-Xx4",
Alemán, Mateo - Vida y Hechos del Picaro Guzmán de Alfarache Atalaya de la Vida Humana, 2 vols, 8vo, tree
Doblado, Don Leucadio - Letters from Spain, 8vo, calf with renewed end papers, Henry Colburn & Co, London 1822
Potter, John - Archaelogica Graeca, or the Antiquities of Greece, 2 vols, 8vo, contemporary calf gilt, with 31 plates,
Guarini, Baptista - Il Pastor Fido, The Faithfull Shepherd. A pastorall written in Italian [by Sir Richard Fanshawe],
Capocio, Cuccino, Berardi Francesco - Agrippina Minore, e mutatione d'ell Imperio de' primieri Cesari. Al Serenissimo
Mendes, M. Lopes - A India portugueza. Breve Descripcao das possessoes portugezas na Asia, 2 vols, qto, calf,
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