Herbert of Cherbury, Edward, Lord, (1583-1648) - The Life and Reign of King Henry the Eighth,
Livius, Titus - Historiarum libri quod extant, 8vo, vellum, with engraved title and portrait, Danielen Elsevirium,
Haym, Nicolas Francis - Biblioteca italiana, O sia Notizia de Libri Rari, qto, vellum, Angelo Geremia,
Wicquefort, Abraham de - L'Ambassadeur et ses fonctions, qto, calf, 2 vols in one, writings to fly leaf,
Columbus, Christopher - The History of the Voyages of Christopher Columbus in order to Discover America
Robertson, William - The History of America, 7th edition, 3 vols, 8vo, period calf, with 3 (of 4) folding maps and
Grimani Breviary - A Glance at the Grimani Breviary Preserved in S. Mark's Library Venice, qto, maroon
Blunt, John James - Vestiges of Ancient Manners and Customs Discoverable in Modern Italy and Sicily,
Yorick, Mr (Sterne, Lawrence Stoddard Thomas) - A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy,
Bentivoglio (Guido) - Memoires de Cardinal Bentivoglio avec la relation des guerres arrivees en Flandre à l'occasion
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