Hope, James - Letters From Portugal, Spain, and France, During the Memorable Campaigns of 1811, 1812 and
Rolt, Richard - The Lives of the Principal Reformers ..., folio, modern half calf, with 21 ports, ex library bookplate
Bry, Johann Theodor de - Bry, Johann Israel de - [Little Voyages]. "Indiae orientalis navigationes", Latin edition, qto, modern
Allen, Fred Hovey - The Great Cathedrals of the World, 2 vols, folio, half morocco, rubbed and bumped, Boston 1886
Cortesao, Armando (translator) - History of Cartography - Portolan Charts, The Nautical Chart of 1424 and Early
Six 16th, 17th and 18th century Works, all vellum bound,
Robert Southey copy. Dellon, Gabriel Relation de l'Inquisition de Goa,
Fielding, Henry - The History of Tom Jones, 4 vols, 12mo, contemporary calf, hinges weak, front cover to Vol I
Caterino, Davila Enrico - Historia Delle Guerre Civili Di Francia Nella Quale Si Contengono, 1st edition, 8vo,
Gibbon, Edward - The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, new edition, 12 vols, 8vo, red
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