Diaz del Castillo, Bernal - The True History of the Conquest of Mexico, 1st edition in England, 4to, with
Correra da Serra, Jose - Colleccao de livros ineditos de historia portuguza ..., vols 1 - 4 (of 5), qto, mottled calf,
Magalotti, Lorenzo - Travels of Cosmo the Third, Grand Duke of Tuscany, through England ..., qto, quarter calf,
Stirling-Maxwell, Sir (publisher) - The Entry of the Emperor Charles V into the City of Bologna, on the fifth
Sousa, Coutinho, Manuel de - Plans, Elevations, Sections and Views of the Church of Batalha, elephant folio,
Ireland, William Henry - Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments under the Hand and Seal of William Shakespeare ...
Milton, John - Paradise Lost. A Poem, in Twelve Books, with Notes of various Authors, by Thomas Newton,
Caradoc of Lhancarvan - The History of Wales, 8vo, calf, with engraved title and folding genealogy plate,
Georgius Candidius: Evert Ysbrants Ides: Thomas Rose, Sir and Others - An entertaining account of all the countries of the
Brown, Thomas - Pseudodoxia Epidemica: Or Enquiries Into Very Many Received Tenents and Commonly, Presumed
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