Flight, Claude - Christmas and Other Feasts and Festivals, 8vo, original blue cloth, 45 colour linocuts by
Crombie, A.A. - Styles in Scientific Thinking in the European Tradition, 3 vols, 8vo, blue cloth, Gerald
Churchward, Albert - The Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man, 8vo, red cloth, gilt with fold frontis
Booth, Charles - The New Survey of London Life and Labour, 9 vols, 8vo, blue cloth, London 1930-1935 and
Freshfield, Douglas W - The Exploration of the Caucasus, 2 vols, qto, blue cloth, spine faded and bumped,
Freshfield, Mrs Jane - A Summer Tour in The Grisons, 8vo, cloth, scuffed and marked, Longman, London 1862
CANTERBURY: Somner, William and Battely, Nicholas - The Antiquities of Canterbury, in two parts, the first part, The Antiquities
Harris, John - The History of Kent, 1st edition, vol I (all pbd), folio, contemporary calf, lacking plates, London 1719, together with
CANTERBURY: Gostling, William - A Walk in and about the City of Canterbury, New edition, 8vo, modern calf, with frontis
Lambard, William - A Perambulation of Kent, 8vo, original green cloth,
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