Mezeray, Francois Eudes, Sieur de - General Chronological History of France, 1st edition in English - translated by
Bacon, Francis Sir - Of the Advancement and Proficience of Learning, 2nd edition in English, folio, calf, lacks
Bellori, Giovanni Pietro - Descrizzione delle imagini dipinte da Rafaelle d'Urbino nelle camere de Palazzo
Comines, Philippe de Seigneur d'Argenton - The Historie ..., folio, contemporary blind panelled calf, engraved
Joao, de S. Joseph do Prado - Monumento sacro da fabrica, e solemnissima sagracao da Santa Basilica do
Sarpi, Paolo - The Historie of the Councel of Trent, folio, contemporary calf gilt, boards with gilt, unidentified armorials,
Balzac, Honore de - The Works, 36 vols, 8vo, cloth with printed paper labels, David D. Nickerson, Boston 1901,
Evelyn, John - Silva: or, a discourse of forest-trees, & Terra: A philosophical discourse of Earth, 2 vols in 1,
Manson, William - Sir William Manson's Naval Traits in six books, 1st edition, folio, rebound quarter calf with
Scott, George - Memoires of Sir James Melvil of Hal-Hill, 4to, contemporary calf, E.H. for Robert Boulter, London
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