A George III demi fluted silver hot water pot, Robert Hennell II?, London 1810, gross 20 oz.
A pair of 1930's Asprey & Co silver five bar toast racks, Birmingham, 1937, 4 oz.
A George V silver sauce boat, London, 1911, 4 oz.
A sterling silver sugar bowl, with gilded interior, 2 oz.
An early 20th century silver three piece tea set, London, 1908/10, gross 33 oz.
A pair of George V silver lighthouse sugar casters, Vander & Hedges (Tessier), London 1911, 16 oz.
A 1930's Art Deco engine turned silver cigarette box, with presentation inscription, 17.9cm.
A late Victorian silver embossed cream jug, London 1885,
A cased set of four George V silver capstan shaped pepper mills, Hukin & Heath Ltd, Birmingham 1913, 91mm.
A George V travelling toilet set, with eight assorted silver mounted items and two lids, in a blue leather case.
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