Past lots
Lot 10
Sale: 191124An early 19th century needlework sampler by Ann Mount
Lot 10
Sale: 181124A Victorian ebony banded amboyna wood collector's cabinet, by Holland & Sons, with inverted breakfront top and single mirrored door enclosing four frieze and two banks of thirteen graduated drawers fitted with recessed b
Lot 10
Sale: 121124A pair of Japanese Satsuma double gourd-shaped miniature vases, early 20th century
Lot 10
Sale: 041124A Swedish Arts and Crafts birch commode, width 120cm, depth 61cm, height 83cm. Condition - fair
Lot 10
Sale: 211024An industrial painted wrought iron unit housing thirty two rectangular galvanised containers, width 134cm, depth 63cm, height 186cm. Condition - fair
Lot 10
Sale: 151024An early George III silver baluster sugar caster by Daniels & Mince
Lot 10
Sale: 071024A pair of large terracotta planters, height 72cm, width 62cm. planting removed. Condition - weathered, otherwise good
Lot 10
Sale: 071024A wrought iron plant frame and eight hoops. Condition - rusted, otherwise good
Lot 10
Sale: 230924A pottery / stoneware corbel, width 35cm, height 35cm. Condition - fair