A Continental enamelled silver cigarette case, an enamelled silver vesta, silver vesta and cigarette box (4)
A collection of silver, silver-mounted and plated condiments, etc.,
An Edwardian repousse silver mounted easel mirror by Walker & Hall, Sheffield, 1902, overall 40.2cm.
A pair of George II silver pepperettes, with later embossed decoration, Samuel Wood, London, 1748, 14cm.
A pair of silver candlesticks, a silver two handled bowl and a late Victorian silver double hinged cigarette case.
A Victorian novelty silver pepper pot, in the form of a wren, London, 1881 and an Edwardian silver pill box, on a chain.
Two silver napkin rings, a silver vase, silver mounted vase, four silver spoons, silver locket and a glass knife rest.
A pair of George III oval silver teapot stands, John Schofield, London, 1778, 17 oz.
A late Victorian silver inkstand, Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co, London, 1890,
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