Lot 1810
Sale: 251021A late 19th century German embossed 800 standard white metal rectangular box, 12.2cm, three smaller boxes, including two silver and a match sleeve.
Lot 1811
Sale: 251021A Victorian silver travelling telescopic cup, Wright & Davis, London, 1881, 89mm, two sugar casters, a mounted glass tidy and a silver mounted salts bottle.
Lot 1812
Sale: 251021A pair of Victorian silver bun salts, London, 1859, two silver spoons, two mounted whisky tot jug (one a.f.), a silver cream jug, a silver napkin ring and a silver two handled pot and cover.
Lot 1807
Sale: 251021A George V part engine turned silver mounted shaped oval trinket box, Birmingham, 1911, 13.2cm.
Lot 1813
Sale: 251021An Edwardian pieced silver pedestal sugar basket (lacking liner), D & M Davis, Sheffield, 1906, height 13cm, 7.5oz.
Lot 1817
Sale: 251021Six assorted silver mounted glass toilet jars, including a powder bowl and a Chinese white metal tot(a.f.).
Lot 1815
Sale: 251021A pair of Victorian pierced silver fish servers, with loaded handles, Hilliard & Thomasson, Birmingham, 1859, knife 32cm.
Lot 1052
Sale: 251021A George IV banded mahogany bowfront chest, width 108cm, depth 57cm, height 105cm
Lot 1900
Sale: 251021An engraved 18k Omega half hunter fob watch, cased diameter, 34mm, with a 9ct gold suspension brooch