Lot 1891
Sale: 251021A modern pair of 9ct gold horse head cufflinks, 20mm, 10.3 grams.
Lot 1463
Sale: 251021Britain's Farm and Zoo services, pre-war, an assortment, including crocodile, lion and zebra and Hugar painted wooden stable (60)
Lot 1328
Sale: 251021Linley walnut and silver-inset wine coaster. (Linley son of Princess Margaret's first husband) 16cm
Lot 1800
Sale: 251021A George V pierced silver oval two handled butter dish, with blue glass liner, Adie Brothers, Birmingham, 1927, 13.3cm over handles.
Lot 1456
Sale: 251021A medal: Prussian, Order of the Crown, cased
Lot 1801
Sale: 251021A George III silver wine funnel, Moses Brent ,London, 1794, 14cm.
Lot 1802
Sale: 251021A late Victorian Art Nouveau silver mounted green and clear glass preserve pot, the glass probably James Powell & Sons, Mappin & Webb, London, 1900, 13.2cm, with later associated spoon
Lot 1892
Sale: 251021A 19th century engine turned gilt metal hunter verge pocket watch, by Johnson of London, case diameter 52mm, together with a Victorian silver open face pocket watch.
Lot 1326
Sale: 251021Three Arts & Crafts pewter items and a pierced hardstone box(a.f.).
Lot 1803
Sale: 251021An Edwardian pierced silver oval two handled dish, William Comyns, London, 1904, width 22cm, 10.5oz.