A George III brass mounted rosewood writing slope Length 52cm
A 15th century Florentine carved white marble statue of the Virgin and Child 21.5in. (a.f)
Four Royal Worcester figures: Woodland dance, Tuesday's child, Monday's child and Saturday's child
Haym, Nicolas Francis - Biblioteca italiana, O sia Notizia de Libri Rari, qto, vellum, Angelo Geremia,
A 19th century wax head doll, a Heubach Koppelsdorf bisque doll and group of other dolls (a.f.)
A Louis Vuitton vanity case, serial number 949439 (mirror damaged)
A quantity of mixed collectables including plated wares, porcelain, etc.
A German violin, follower of Johann Gottfried Hamm, late 19th century length of back 35.5cm (14in.), cased
A Maori Wahaika Tiki hardwood war club 13.25in.
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01273 472503
Grosvenor House, Grosvenor Park
Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2BF
01892 556860
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