Lot 38
Sale: 181124A set of eight George III style mahogany dining chairs, including two carvers, with carved wheat sheaf design. Condition - poor
Lot 38
Sale: 121124A fine Japanese Satsuma ‘millefleur’ three piece teaset, by Kinkozan, Meiji period
Lot 38
Sale: 041124Two Victorian rosewood and mahogany dressing stools, largest width 42cm, height 42cm. Condition - fair, upholstery poor
Lot 38
Sale: 211024Alfred Cox, a mid century teak kneehole desk, width 183cm, depth 92cm, height 71cm. Condition - good
Lot 38
Sale: 151024A George IV demi-fluted silver hot water pot, by Michael Linsey?
Lot 38
Sale: 081024An Ancient Egyptian painted gesso, linen and wood fragment from a coffin or canopic chest, probably late Kingdom
Lot 38
Sale: 071024A curved teak bench, 160cm, 82cm high. Condition - weathered, otherwise good
Lot 38
Sale: 230924A Victorian mahogany kneehole dressing table, fitted four small drawers, width 101cm, depth 49cm, height 72cm. Condition - fair
Lot 38
Sale: 100924Myles Birket Foster RWS (1825-1899), The Forum - Rome, watercolour, 15 x 19cm