Past lots
Lot 75
Sale: 290822A set of six (4 + 2) Georgian mahogany dining chairs, with solid dished seats, on square tapering legs, gros-panel needlework cushions
Lot 75
Sale: 150822A set of six Regency style mahogany dining chairs, two with arms
Lot 75
Sale: 180722An early Victorian marble topped rosewood chiffonier, width 89cm depth 37cm height 122cm
Lot 75
Sale: 040722An early 20th century oak bow front tall chest, width 76cm, depth 49cm, height 123cm
Lot 75
Sale: LJUNE22A pair of Louis XVI style ormolu mounted green marble urns Height 41cm.
Lot 75
Sale: 200622Two gilt framed triple dressing table mirrors, larger height 70cm
Lot 75
Sale: 300522An Edwardian satinwood banded mahogany bureau, width 91cm, depth 41cm, height 99cm
Lot 75
Sale: LMAR22Christie, Agatha - Two works - Elephants Can Remember, 1st edition
Lot 75
Sale: 070322A set of six reproduction ash and elm Windsor comb back armchairs with saddle seats and crinoline stretchers, width 52cm, depth 45cm, height 102cm