A 19th century Kashmir wool and silk shawl,
A Lladro figure of a lady with a parasol and a hat height 42cm
Yorick, Mr (Sterne, Lawrence Stoddard Thomas) - A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy,
A yellow ground vase and cover, figural carving etc
A collection of feather masks, a cape / collar etc.
A silver manicure set and mixed plated cutlery
A plated bowl on stand and a single plated lamp base/candlestick 27cm high
A 19th century bois durci musical box, 4.25in.
A Victorian carved white marble bust of a medieval lady, height 25in.
15 North Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2PE
01273 472503
Grosvenor House, Grosvenor Park
Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2BF
01892 556860
General: clientservices@gorringes.co.uk
Buying: salesenquiries@gorringes.co.uk
Valuations: valuations@gorringes.co.uk
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