Past lots
Lot 44
Sale: 120623A Victorian carved mahogany nursing chair, together with an early 19th century oval mahogany wine table
Lot 44
Sale: 220523An 18th century rectangular oak side table, planked top, single frieze drawer, width 101cm, depth 68cm, height 72cm
Lot 44
Sale: 090523A vintage shell and planked pine threshing board, length 198cm, depth 121cm *Please note the sale commences at 9am.
Lot 44
Sale: 250423A Kammer & Reinhardt / Simon & Halbig bisque character doll, German, circa 1911, 16in. Please note the chair is for display purposes only.
Lot 44
Sale: 170423A set of six 18th century style panelled oak dining chairs, two with arms
Lot 44
Sale: 270323A late Victorian part marble topped four drawer pine dressing chest, width 102cm, depth 48cm, height 146cm
Lot 44
Sale: LMAR23A Louis Vuitton brass mounted leather bound trunk, c.1910, numbered 137426, 75cm wide, 43cm deep, 54cm high
Lot 44
Sale: 130223A Victorian rosewood three tier whatnot, width 76cm, depth 40cm, height 114cm
Lot 44
Sale: 300123A reconstituted stone garden bench, length 126cm, depth 40cm, height 42cm
Lot 44
Sale: 160123A bronzed resin sculpture of a female Greek warrior, height 90cm