Lot 583
Sale: LSEPT21A George III Old English fancy back silver tablespoon, London 1776 by Hester Bateman, 22cm long, 1.6 oz.
Lot 584
Sale: LSEPT21A George III Channel Islands silver trefid spoon, initialled ‘I HM’ over attributed to Jacques Quesnel, marked ‘I.Q’, c1780, 19cm long, 1 oz.
Lot 585
Sale: LSEPT21A George III Channel Islands silver tablespoon, initialled ‘S.D.C’ over ‘K.A’, inscribed 1798, attributed to Jacques Quesnel, marked ‘I.Q’ and cannon mark, 20cm long, 1.2 oz.
Lot 587
Sale: LSEPT21A pair of George I silver three-prong forks, with dog nose terminals, engraved with armorials, London 1722 by Paul Hanet, each 18 cm long, 4oz.
Lot 588
Sale: LSEPT21A George II silver Hanovarian pattern fancy back tablespoon, with engraved armorial, London 1736 by Edward Bennett, 20.5 cm long, 2.5 oz.
Lot 589
Sale: LSEPT21A rare James I slip top silver spoon, initialled to bowl underside, ‘A.D’, and ‘PE’ over ‘H’ to slip, London, 1606 by William Cawdell, 16cm long, 1.4 oz.
Lot 590
Sale: LSEPT21A Commonwealth West Country silver Apostle spoon, with a gilded terminal in the form of St. Peter, the bowl inscribed ‘P.S.T’, and dated ‘1659’, unascribed, c1650, 20cm long, 2 oz, (repaired to terminal.).
Lot 591
Sale: LSEPT21A George III silver marrow scoop, London, 1764, untraced (marked ‘C.H’) 24cm long, 1.7 oz.
Lot 592
Sale: LSEPT21A Charles II silver trefid spoon, initaled ‘R.H’, London, 1681 by John King, 20cm long, 2oz.
Lot 593
Sale: LSEPT21A James I / Charles I West Country seal top silver spoon, possibly John Parnell, Truro, c1620-40, 16cm long, 1.4 oz (repaired)