Lot 1471
Sale: 111021A carved ivory bust of a boy wearing a hat, early 20th century, 11.5 cm high
Lot 1470
Sale: 111021An Austrian cold-painted bronze of a pug dog, 4.2cm and a bronze of an angelic figure, 8.5cm
Lot 1306
Sale: 111021A Royal Worcester fruit painted and gilt tooled cabinet plate, post war, signed Telford, 27.5 cm
Lot 1308
Sale: 111021Two Moorcroft Hibiscus pattern vases and a similar dish together with a Moorcroft wisteria pattern dish, 11cm
Lot 1264
Sale: 111021A pair of late 19th century ormolu figures of Roman soldiers, on openwork faces, tallest 32.5 cm
Lot 1300
Sale: 111021A pair of bronze figures of Cupid on circular pedestals, early 20th century, 42 cm high
Lot 1456
Sale: 111021An Alfred Stellmacher Teplitz ‘dragon’ teapot and cover, c.1890, decorated with an owl, 23cm across