Lot 518
Sale: 181021A. Faguelle, a bronze and ivory figure of Dante, c.1900, foundry Susse Frere Ed. Paris, 20cm
Lot 519
Sale: 181021Six Medieval long cross halfpennies to groats and a Venetian Soldino (7)
Lot 520
Sale: 181021A Chinese white coral carving of a lady, 13.5cm, 177g
Lot 521
Sale: 181021A collection of cigarette cards and ephemera
Lot 522
Sale: 181021A Liberty silk scarf with a printed horse racing scene, with slip case
Lot 524
Sale: 181021Two Hermes silk scarves - 'La Promenade de Longchamp' designed by Philippe Ledoux, first issued in 1965, with slip case, the other 'The Tarot'
Lot 525
Sale: 181021A Bohemian gilt decorated glass vase and a Waterford cut glass vase, tallest 33 cm
Lot 526
Sale: 181021An Aynsley cabinet plate, painted with fruit, signed B.Jones, 26cm and a Royal Doulton Dickens ware dish, 32.5cm
Lot 390
Sale: 181021A 19th century Continental wall clock, in architectural walnut case, with key and pendulum, 95cm