Lot 592
Sale: 181021Julius Delos (1879-1970), four watercolours, Views in Naples, Rome and Venice, signed, largest 30 x 21cm.
Lot 597
Sale: 181021Moria Hoddell, pen and ink, East Chiltington church, signed, 41 x 58cm.
Lot 290
Sale: 181021Andrew Rudebeck. A studio glass jar and cover, 22cm, and three further studio pottery jars
Lot 446
Sale: 181021A taxidermic chaffinch, under dome, overall height 22cm
Lot 452
Sale: 181021An Edwardian walnut mantel clock, with decorative dial, height 26cm
Lot 99
Sale: 181021A 19th century French giltwood wall mirror, width 83cm, height 120cm
Lot 101
Sale: 181021A Victorian faux bamboo frame rectangular wall mirror, width 80cm, height 128cm
Lot 59
Sale: 181021A George III mahogany bow front sideboard, W.150cm D.62cm H.90cm
Lot 363
Sale: 181021A group of five Continental figures, tallest 20cm