Lot 1252
Sale: 081121A Sevres biscuit porcelain group, ‘La Lecon a L’ Amour ’, 21cm high.
Lot 1307
Sale: 081121A group of hand-painted and other 19th century and later plates to include examples by Royal Worcester, George Jones, Royal Crown Derby, etc (18)
Lot 1454
Sale: 081121A Chinese white and russet skin jade carving, 7cm high
Lot 1455
Sale: 081121A Chinese pale celadon jade bi disc, 6cm diameter
Lot 1800
Sale: 081121Mixed silver and sterling items including two mugs, two sauce ladles, salt thimble, nut dish and two silver handled implements
Lot 1436
Sale: 081121A Wedgwood lustre small cup, 4cm high, two Royal Worcester 'bird' pots & covers and three glass millefiori paperweights.
Lot 1465
Sale: 081121A WWI trio to J. 7837 G. W. Stringer L.S. R.N., KIA, from the crew of HM Submarine C34 that was sunk by a German U-Boat on 21 July 1917 with only one survivor - Stoker Frank Scoble.
Lot 1262
Sale: 081121The collected poems of Lord Alfred Douglas 74/200, signed by the author
Lot 1876
Sale: 081121A 19th century citrine and seed pearl set fringe necklace, with yellow metal clasp, 40cm.
Lot 1286
Sale: 081121An early 20th century Limoges pate sur pate oval plaque, 18.5x 23.5cm, framed Frame external - 43x49cm