Lot 1075
Sale: 081121A late Victorian Aesthetic Movement hallstand (later painted), height 200cm
Lot 1041
Sale: 081121An early 20th century Aubusson style needlepoint hanging, 240 x 240cm
Lot 1335
Sale: 081121A brass carriage timepiece, a brass casket containing silver watch and a brass rococo-style twin-sconce wall light
Lot 1842
Sale: 081121Assorted silver mounted toilet jars and a late Victorian silver belt buckle, London, 1897.
Lot 1844
Sale: 081121A small silver dish and other sundry silver including kiddush cup, 925 vase, miniature trays and photograph frames.
Lot 1123
Sale: 081121A 19th century rectangular gilt wood overmantel mirror, width 84cm, height 101cm
Lot 1835
Sale: 081121A George III silver two handled boat shaped pedestal salt, London, 179, one other salt and two later silver mustards.
Lot 1267
Sale: 081121Judaica - a carved Jerusalem olivewood octagonal casket 17cm