Lot 1439
Sale: 081121A Moorcroft Pomegranate squat baluster vase, 9cm high
Lot 1326
Sale: 081121A Moorcroft flambe leaf and berry baluster vase (a.f.) 23.5cm
Lot 1368
Sale: 081121A French ormolu and white marble mantel clock, the case late 18th century, the movement late 19th century 41 cm high
Lot 1611
Sale: 081121A collection of contemporary black and white photographs: Marianna Yampolsky in the classroom and Himpill de Tapas, Roger Mayne Boy, St Stephens Gardens, signed and dated '57, and
Lot 1613
Sale: 081121A collection of modern black and white photographs: Henk Jonker, Children and organ grinder, Roger Mayne, Please Mr Take My Photo, Unknown, The Village Hall, Christian Pizal
Lot 1636
Sale: 081121Christopher Penny, limited edition print, 'The Boume', 49/75, 48 x 38cm, and a Richard Beer print, 'Quattio Carli', 31/100, 65 x 50cm
Lot 1612
Sale: 081121George Rodger, Three framed black and white photographs, North American Indian, Cloaked Figures and Children, 21 x 32cm
Lot 1634
Sale: 081121John Icku, limited edition print, 'Littered Ways (City)', signed in pencil, 43/100, overall 54 x 77cm
Lot 1637
Sale: 081121Derek Mynott, lithograph, 'Spring in the Park', 100/250, 40 x 55cm and Donald Wilkinson, lithograph, 'Wild Montbretia', 137/225, 55 x 44cm
Lot 1287
Sale: 081121An Indian alabaster plate painted with figures and 2 others 22cm