Manner of Frederick Lord Leighton, oil on board, The Assignation, 12 x 21cm
English School, oil on canvas, Portrait of an Edwardian lady, 35 x 24cm
English School c.1900, watercolour, Portrait of a bearded gentleman, 34 x 25cm
W.H. 1894, oil on canvas, Fishing boats in harbour, 29 x 34cm, a Continental oil harbour scene and 2 other pictures
2 pencil caricatures, 'Gone Fishing' and 'The Lone Wader', 19 x 14cm
Howard Bowen, oil on canvas, Still life of Peonies, signed 40 x 50cm
An early 19th century watercolour of a country house, 25 x 43cm, an 18th century fashion caricature and a
Circle of Terence Cuneo, oil on board, Customs Officer at a cruise ship terminal, 36 x 47cm
Blaeu, coloured engraving, Map of Dorcestria (Dorset), 38 x 50cm
Mayer, oil on canvas, Portrait of an Italian boy, signed 30 x 23cm
15 North Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2PE
01273 472503
Grosvenor House, Grosvenor Park
Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2BF
01892 556860
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