A group of Chinese hardstone carvings and four hardstone dishes largest diameter 13cm
A Sino-Tibetan small bronze figure of Buddha and a Japanese card case
A Staffordshire porcelain 'poodle and puppies' inkbox, a similar box and cover and two covers, c.1840-50, approx 9cm wide
A pair of Staffordshire porcelain figures of recumbent greyhounds and another similar, c.1835-50, 12.2cm long (3)
A Japanese Meiji period okimono carving of a figure with a staff, a youth by his side height 13cm
A Moorcroft violet lustre small vase height 11cm
A Chinese carved shoushan stone brush washer, Qing dynasty width 17cm
A Royal Doulton figure, Nell Gwynn HN1887 height 18cm
A turquoise leather Mulberry shoulder handbag, with dust cover and red card 24 x 15.5cm
A pair of Oriental pottery coin dishes diameter 9cm
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01273 472503
Grosvenor House, Grosvenor Park
Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2BF
01892 556860
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