Eighteen assorted bottles of white wine including Chablis, Sauteries, Saint Veran and two half bottles of white wine
A collection of late Victorian and later embroidered white-work christening gowns
The Lineage and Ancestory of Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and The Compleat Peerage and Old and New London,
Four albums of 19th century and later world stamps, used and unused and three albums of first day covers
Six bottles of Paul Cluver Gewurztraminer, 2016, six Domaine Lapeyre, 2003, one Pouilly Fuisse, 2003 and two Hunawikr, 2016
A Victorian copper pan and three smaller copper pans
A cased plated dessert eaters, A cased pair of fish servers and plated candlesticks
A pair of Chinese carved wood figure lamps overall height 60cm
15 North Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2PE
01273 472503
Grosvenor House, Grosvenor Park
Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2BF
01892 556860
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Buying: salesenquiries@gorringes.co.uk
Valuations: valuations@gorringes.co.uk
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