Abraham Ortelius Map of 'Romani Imperii Imago', n.d. (1570 or later), Theatrum Orbis Terrarum Latin edition, later hand coloured 14 x 1
Abraham Ortelius Map of 'Europae', n.d. (1570 or later), Theatrum Orbis Terrarum Latin edition, later hand-coloured 13.75 x 18.5in.
Mahmud Raif Efendi (fl.1793-1804) Ottoman map from the Cedid Atlas Turcumesi, Istanbul 1803 21.5 x 27.5in.
Circle of Frans Francken the Younger (Flemish School 1581-1642) The Adoration of the Magi 6 x 5in.
Attributed to Jacob Van Huchtenburg (1647-1733) and other hands The Vineyard (Exhibited in 1847 at the Royal Irish Art Union) 29.25 x 3
Attributed to Jan Jansz Buesem (Dutch, 1600-c.1649) Revellers in a tavern 11 x 16.5in.
Frankenthal School Battle scene with numerous figures near a hilltop 11 x 13.25in.
Attributed to Joseph Van Bredael (1688-1739) Mounted figures being ambushed 6.75 x 8in.
Attributed to Gerard Van Edema (1652-1799) Winter scene with figures on the ice 17.5 x 23.5in.
19th century Italian School Madonna and child 40.5 x 30.5in.
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