Lot 146
Sale: LJUNE21China, 81 Ancient round coins, Tang to Northern Song dynasty, (618-1127)
Lot 147
Sale: LJUNE21China, 159 Ancient bronze and iron round coins, Southern Song dynasty, Emperors Ning Zong (1195-1224) to Emperor Du Zong (1265-74)
Lot 148
Sale: LJUNE21China Empire, a group of 68 bronze and copper cash, Tongzhi, Guangxu and Xuantong period (1862-1912)
Lot 149
Sale: LJUNE21Chinese book, Jiguang Qi, Military Training: Authentic Records 'Lien ping shih chi', undated but probably Qing dynasty, Provenance - A. T. Arber-Cooke
Lot 150
Sale: LJUNE21Chinese book, Hu Zhengyan, Ten Bamboo Studio catalogue, 'Shizhuzhai Jianpu', Provenance - A. T. Arber-Cooke
Lot 152
Sale: LJUNE21Rare Chinese book 'Ping pi bai jin fang', concerning National defence and military strategy, Provenance - A. T. Arber-Cooke
Lot 153
Sale: LJUNE21Rare Chinese book, Illustrations of Beautiful Places Compiled, 'Tu Kai Sheng Ji', edited by Liu Houji, Provenance - A. T. Arber-Cooke
Lot 154
Sale: LJUNE21Chinese book, Qi Jiguang, 'Ji xiao xin shu' or New Treatise on Military Efficiency, possibly the Daoguang (1821-50) edition, Provenance - A. T. Arber-Cooke
Lot 155
Sale: LJUNE21Li Zhuoxian, 'Gu quan hui' (Collecting old coins), published in Beijing, Tongzhi jia zi, 1864, 16 volumes and Li Zhuoxian, 'Xua quan hui' (Collecting coins continued) published in Beijing, Guangxu ji yuan yi hai, 1875, f
Lot 156
Sale: LJUNE21Liang Shizheng, 'Qin ding qian lu', Record of Chinese Coins published under Imperial Instructions, Provenance - A. T. Arber-Cooke