A Birds custard powder, enamelled advertising sign 26 x 17.5cm
A Bing 00 gauge tinplate electric train set, with track, two tank engines, Baker Street Station building, two other
13th - 15th century ceramic Islamic, Sassanian, Sultanabad and Kashan bowls (3)
Theocritus - Sixe Idillia that is Sixe Small, or Petty Poems, or Aeglogues, Chosen our of the right famous Sicilian
A bronze of a classical figure on horse back H.40cm
A Wedgwood Susie Cooper 'Saturn' pattern coffee set and a 'Venetia' pattern service,
A Thornton-Pickard Altrincham Mark III Hythe gun camera, World War II Royal Air Force
A large Studio pottery vase of ovoid form, decorated all over with fish swimming on a blue ground height 40cm
A 19th century Italian carved white marble relief plaque of The Holy Family, 19 x 15in.
A Chinese flambe two handled vase, a green crackle-glazed jar and a blue and white vase tallest 40.5cm
15 North Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2PE
01273 472503
Grosvenor House, Grosvenor Park
Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2BF
01892 556860
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