An Indian Heriz style red ground carpet, 270 x 108cm
A pair of Barbedienne style five branch ormolu candelabra, 19th century, 52cm high
Two terracotta planters and a terracotta strawberry planter, largest 52cm diameter
A large Staffordshire pearlware group 'Flights', c.1830-50, 25cm high
A late 19th century Swiss inlaid walnut and kingwood eight air musical box, width 34in. depth 14in. height 10.5in.
A Swiss gold-mounted ivory parasol handle, H.6in.
An early 19th century ebony and boxwood travelling games box, 23 x 13.5in.
A set of five 16th century Flemish relief carved oak panels, largest 8.25 x 27in.
A set of scales, a bronze crown, a bronze bust of a toper, a bronze and wood cannon and a quantity of medallions
Gosse, Philip Henry - Actinologia Britannica. A History of the Sea-Anemones and Corals, 1st edition, 8vo, calf gilt,
15 North Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2PE
01273 472503
Grosvenor House, Grosvenor Park
Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2BF
01892 556860
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