Three Chinese blue and white dishes and a famille rose bowl largest measurement 24cm diameter
A collection of Oriental ceramics including four teapots
Don Carlos; Maria Stuarda and Il Trovatore: A rail with a maroon velvet two piece ruff and red wig for Elizabeth I
A Victorian metal deed box and a locking writing case
An Art Deco smokers companion, pipes, pipe rack, box, etc.
A pair of Chinese two colour carved lacquer vases and a Chinese yellow ground vase tallest 46cm
Keith Munro, three items of matt grey stoneware pottery, an amphora vase by Mick Morgan and another similar vase tallest 45cm (5)
A large metal cauldron, Diameter 59cm, very tarnished
15 North Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2PE
01273 472503
Grosvenor House, Grosvenor Park
Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2BF
01892 556860
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