Lot 34
Sale: 191222An early 20th century mahogany single caned three piece bergere suite, settee length 182cm, depth 77cm, height 68cm
Lot 34
Sale: LDEC22James De Ville, 367 Strand, London. A pair of Regency bronze oil lamps to a design by Thomas Hope, length 31cm depth 16cm height 25cm
Lot 34
Sale: 111222A pair of Victorian brass spiral twist candlesticks and a later seven light candelabrum, candlesticks 27cm. candelabrum 32cm
Lot 34
Sale: 051222A Victorian rectangular walnut framed wall mirror, width 93cm, height 116cm
Lot 34
Sale: 211122Four Regency brass inlaid mahogany dining chairs one with arms, together with a Regency caned seat elbow chair.
Lot 34
Sale: 071122Two 18th century style walnut wall mirrors, larger width 38cm, height 68cm
Lot 34
Sale: 241022An 18th century style carved giltwood scrollwork mirror, width 64cm, height 132cm
Lot 34
Sale: 111022Boswell, James - The Yale Edition of the Private Papers ... Limited Editions, 4 vols, i.e., Boswell's London Journal; Boswell in Holland; Boswell on the Grand Tour; Germany and Switzerland ..., Boswell on the Grand Tour:
Lot 34
Sale: 101022An African painted leather tribal shield, height 102cm
Lot 34
Sale: LSEPT22A Renaissance or Roman bronze oil lamp, 17.5cm long