Lot 33
Sale: 120922A Victorian mahogany chest, width 100cm, depth 49cm, height 110cm
Lot 33
Sale: 290822A square weathered teak garden table, width 80cm, height 73cm together with two teak garden chairs
Lot 33
Sale: 150822A modern ‘’searchlight‘’ style floor lamp, on a folding tripod base, height 144cm
Lot 33
Sale: 180722A circular wrought iron garden growing frame, height 246cm
Lot 33
Sale: 040722A Chinese carved corner elbow chair, width 69cm, depth 54cm, height 86cm
Lot 33
Sale: LJUNE22An 18th century James Barbar flintlock blunderbuss 75cm.
Lot 33
Sale: 200622A square mosaic stone topped garden table, width 70cm, height 72cm and two matching chairs
Lot 33
Sale: 300522A 19th century painted overmantel mirror, width 106cm, height 139cm
Lot 33
Sale: LMAR22A pair of Sheffield plate candlesticks and nozzles, 32cm high
Lot 33
Sale: 070322A Victorian mahogany pedestal desk, length 136cm, depth 58cm, height 76cm