Lot 25
Sale: 150822A vintage Swiss Gronland ash sledge, length 108cm
Lot 25
Sale: 010822An early 20th century French walnut double bed frame, width 152cm, height 165cm
Lot 25
Sale: 180722Barrett of Stowmarket. A George III carved oak eight day longcase clock, height 220cm
Lot 25
Sale: 040722An Edwardian mahogany shield shaped bijouterie table, width 50cm, depth 59cm, height 72cm
Lot 25
Sale: LJUNE22A 19th century Italian silvered and ormolu mounted mother of pearl casket, width 15cm, depth 7cm, height 11cm
Lot 25
Sale: 200622A painted wrought iron folding garden bench, 113cm, depth 55cm, height 92cm
Lot 25
Sale: 300522Philp of Okehampton. An early 19th century stripped pine 30 hour longcase clock, height 196cm
Lot 25
Sale: LMAR22A set of four Edward VII silver pierced oval bon-bon dishes, 8cm wide 1.96oz.
Lot 25
Sale: 070322A reproduction mahogany twin pillar extending dining table together with twelve Georgian style dining chairs (two with arms)