An Edward VII Naval officer’s dress dirk The Dirk blade 18", the tallest tankard 13cm high.
A mid Victorian upholstered mahogany armchair, width 66cm, depth 70cm, height 94cm
A Jaques London red and white ivory 2¾" Staunton chess set, c.1850, 8.25 x 6 x 4in.
A 17th century stumpwork cushion, width 9.25in. depth 2.25in. height 6.25in.
A Hispano-filipino or Sino-Portuguese ivory relief of The Crucifixion with the two thieves, probably late 16th/early 17th century, 15cm
A 17th century English silver and steel hilt Horseman's sword, 37.5in.
An Eastern bronze four mask Buddhistic head, on marble socle height 28cm. incl. wood stand
Pound, Ezra - Canzoni, 1st edition, original boards, with gilt titles, two thirds of spine detached but present,
A pair of Duke of Wellington cast iron firedogs H.41cm
15 North Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2PE
01273 472503
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Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2BF
01892 556860
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