size john
Lot 542
Sale: 270323A five string banjo made by John Degay of Degay Guitars
Lot 539
Sale: 270323An Acoustic bass guitar, made by John Degay of Degay Guitars
Lot 279
Sale: 270323An early 20th century John Lilley & Son cased mahogany brass sextant
Lot 5
Sale: LMAR23Tolkein, John Ronald Reuel - The Lord of the Rings trilogy
Lot 2735
Sale: 130323John Harrison, coloured engraving, Map of Lincolnshire 1791, 47 x 33cm
Lot 2627
Sale: 130323A 12 string acoustic guitar, unknown maker, repaired by John Degay of Degay Guitars
Lot 2625
Sale: 130323A five string banjo made by John Degay of Degay Guitars
Lot 2626
Sale: 130323An Acoustic bass guitar, made by John Degay of Degay Guitars
Lot 2325
Sale: 130323An early 20th century John Lilley & Son cased mahogany brass sextant
Lot 1616
Sale: 200223John Speede, coloured engraving, map of Hertfordshire, 39 x 50cm